Communication: Key to Happiness

Most marital problems (and frankly, problems with any type of relationship) are usually caused because of bad communication. People disagree and have arguments all the time. That is normal. You cannot expect someone to have the exact same views as you have. Everyone was raise in different families with different beliefs and standards. So it is normal for someone to think differently. But what is not appropriate is how people communicate in those arguments. It is never appropriate to yell at someone or control the conversation. It is never appropriate to always make the other person the bad guy. It is never appropriate to degrade or insult the other person. These things do not create an environment in which communication can take place. We all know that couple that has intense and ineffective fights. Some of you reading this might be thinking that maybe you do this when you are in an argument. Does yelling or blaming or degrading your spouse fix the problem? Or does it just cover it ...