The Church's Stance on Homosexuality

Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (aka Mormon) I have heard a lot of complaints from people about how people of the Church have treated people who are gay. Just a couple weeks ago I met a woman that had left the church and was extremely bitter and angry because the members had judged, teased, and discriminated against her son because he is gay. Hearing this woman’s story saddened me. It also made me feel really disappointed to be associated with people who are so judgmental and mean to someone. We as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are taught to be like the Savior. Meaning, to love everyone, to serve everyone and not to judge ANYONE for ANYTHING. That young, gay man should not have been treated that way. 

Let me explain what the church’s stance is on being gay and lesbian. Being attracted to someone of the same sex is NOT WRONG. We believe that having homosexual desires is NOT WRONG. A gay man or lesbian woman can partake of the sacrament, attend the temple, hold a calling, and 100% participate in the church. But we do believe that acting upon those desires is wrong. We do believe that God created man and woman to be together. He did not intend for someone to be with another person of the same sex. When a person acts upon those homosexual desires they are then sinning. But having those desires is not a sin. 

The members of the church need to be more open and accepting of homosexuals. I believe that wholeheartedly. Being attracted to someone of the same sex is not a sin. It is a sin to act upon it. And it is a sin to discriminate against and judge those who have those desires and attractions. 

I believe in loving everyone. I believe in no judgement and no discrimination. And we as members of the church (and everyone else for that matter) should love everyone as well. No one is perfect. No one is sinless. So why are we judging those who are just as imperfect as we are? 


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