There has been controversy about whether or not a father is an important aspect of the family. Many would argue that men aren't as important. Men are not present and they don't make much of a difference in children's lives. Many would even say that men are "annoying accessories." But what a lot of people don't realize is how crucial it is to have the father present and influencing the children in the home. RN and BN Leah East and her colleges made a statement on the importance of fathers in the lives of their children, (1) "This special relationship can shape childhood development, influence values and be a predictor of both positive and negative psychological well-being." Children who grow up as delinquents, girls that grow up with skewed ideas of how a man should treat them, and even most of teen pregnancies are directly correlated with children who didn't have fathers present in the home. A father figure helps young women to...
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